Tuesday, January 7, 2014

let's try again, shall we?

I would like to try this again -- a way to share info, answer questions and perhaps provoke thoughts ... anyone want to join me?
This is an interesting and thought provoking video Don discovered....we should see how many of these things we can do with our horses!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Ok, let's try something else to get the brains going

This is a link to an episode of the Rick Lamb Horse Show. For those who have RFDTV this is another show to keep track of as he often has tidbits that are re-enforcement/helpful/another way of expressing the same thing.
This episode is about clicker/target training. And what we ask is that you watch and listen to ALL the tidbits and as Shawna says don't focus on the clicker but on the PRINCIPLE and notice all the tiny little details she crams into this short session.
I would love to go to one of her training sessions and see the details in person.


Monday, November 14, 2011

What do you think?

If a horse is "bumping" you with its foot or shoulder, this is an accident right? (Thinking cap time)